• Dom. Dic 22nd, 2024


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  • Automatic speech recognition learned to understand people with Parkinson’ s disease by listening to them

Automatic speech recognition learned to understand people with Parkinson’ s disease by listening to them

As Mark Hasegawa-Johnson combed through data from his latest project, he was pleasantly surprised to uncover a recipe for Eggs Florentine. Sifting through hundreds of hours of recorded speech will…

Estrogens play a hidden role in cancers, inhibiting a key immune cell

Estrogens are known to drive tumor growth in breast cancer cells that carry its receptors, but a new study by Duke Cancer Institute researchers unexpectedly finds that estrogens play a…

Asthma rates lower in children who received only breast milk at birth hospital #AAP2024 #AmerAcadPeds

Infants who were exclusively fed breast milk during their hospitalization at birth were 22% less likely to develop asthma in early childhood, according to research presented during the American Academy…

Social media used to facilitate sexual assault in children: new research

About 7% of more than 1,000 teens who disclosed sexual abuse at a California hospital reported that social media was used to facilitate the assault, according to research presented during…

MRSA: Superbugs spread to family members of recently hospitalized patients

Family members of patients recently discharged from the hospital may have a higher risk of getting an antibiotic-resistant infection, often called a superbug, even if the patient was not diagnosed…

Gynaecological Cancers: Immunotherapy and Novel Targeted Drug Appear Beneficial in Group of Women with Early-Stage Disease #ESMO24

Studies reported at ESMO 2024 reveal new groups of women with early-stage endometrial (1) and cervical cancers (2) who gain clinically meaningful benefit from adding immunotherapy to current standard treatments,…

First evidence that Breastfeeding after Breast Cancer is safe #ESMO24 in Barcelona

According to two international studies presented at the ESMO Congress 2024 in Barcelona, women who breastfeed after receiving treatment for breast cancer, including those with a germline BRCA mutation (an…

Air pollution linked to higher risk of infertility in men

Long term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution is linked to a higher risk of infertility in men, whereas road traffic noise is linked to a higher risk…

Evening vs. morning dosing of blood pressure medication: no differences seen #ESCCongress #ESC24 #ESC2024

In two trials, one in frail elderly patients, evening administration of blood pressure (BP)-lowering medications had no clinical benefits over morning administration, according to late-breaking research presented in a Hot…

Women with endometriosis at greater associated risk of heart attack and stroke #ESCCongress #ESC24 #ESC2024

According to research presented at ESC Congress 2024 in London,1 women with endometriosis have a 20% greater risk of significant cardiac outcomes compared with women without endometriosis. “For decades, cardiovascular…