• Dom. Mar 9th, 2025


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  • Mouth bacteria may hold insight into your future brain function

Mouth bacteria may hold insight into your future brain function

The bacteria in your mouth and on your tongue may be linked to changes in brain function as you age, new research suggested. The study, led by the University of…

High levels of disordered eating among young people linked to brain differences

More than half of 23-year-olds in a European study show restrictive, emotional or uncontrolled eating behaviours, according to new research led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN)…

70% of young people with long Covid recover within two years. Children and young people with Long Covid (CLoCK) study

Most young people who were confirmed to have long Covid three months after a positive PCR test had recovered within 24 months, finds a new study led by UCL researchers.…