• Sab. Feb 22nd, 2025


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  • Study identifies benefits, risks linked to popular weight-loss drugs. The journal Nature Medicine

Study identifies benefits, risks linked to popular weight-loss drugs. The journal Nature Medicine

Demand for weight-loss medications sold under brand names such as Ozempic and Wegovy continues to surge, with a recent study reporting one in eight Americans has taken or is currently…

Subclinical Disease in Monkeys Exposed to H5N1 by Mouth and Stomach

A new study published in Nature found that highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus (HPAI H5N1) administered directly into the mouth and stomach of research monkeys caused self-limiting infection with…

A new geometric machine learning method promises to accelerate precision drug development

Proteins are the foundation of all life we currently know. With their virtually limitless diversity, they can perform a broad variety of biological functions, from delivering oxygen to cells and…

70% of young people with long Covid recover within two years. Children and young people with Long Covid (CLoCK) study

Most young people who were confirmed to have long Covid three months after a positive PCR test had recovered within 24 months, finds a new study led by UCL researchers.…

Bacterial vaccine shows promise as cancer immunotherapy

Columbia researchers have engineered probiotic bacteria that educate the immune system to destroy cancer cells, opening the door for a new class of cancer vaccines that take advantage of bacteria’s…

Bovine H5N1 influenza from infected worker transmissible and lethal in animal models

Colorized transmission electron micrograph of avian influenza A H5N1 virus particles (blue), grown in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells. Microscopy by CDC; repositioned and recolored by NIAID. Credit: CDC…

Discovery finds how ovarian cancer disables immune cells

Weill Cornell Medicine researchers have discovered a mechanism that ovarian tumors use to cripple immune cells and impede their attack—blocking the energy supply T cells depend on. The work, published…


Una nuova alterazione del Dna, responsabile di una forma più severa di neoplasia mieloproliferativa, è stata scoperta a Modena. Ricercatrici e ricercatori del Centro interdipartimentale di cellule staminali e medicina…


Un team internazionale di astronomi di cui fa parte l’Università degli Studi di Milano, osservando l’instabilità gravitazionale del disco protoplanetario intorno alla stella AB Aurigae ha trovato prove che confermerebbero…

In pericolo la Grande Barriera Corallina. Danni catastrofici per nuovo record di temperatura in 400 anni . Studio su Nature

La Grande Barriera Corallina in Australia è sottoposta a una pressione critica: l’aumento delle temperature del mare e gli eventi di sbiancamento di massa dei coralli minacciano di distruggere la…