• Sab. Feb 22nd, 2025


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  • High levels of disordered eating among young people linked to brain differences

High levels of disordered eating among young people linked to brain differences

More than half of 23-year-olds in a European study show restrictive, emotional or uncontrolled eating behaviours, according to new research led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN)…


AIMA – Associazione Italiana Malattia di Alzheimer accoglie molto positivamente la notizia che il Comitato per i medicinali per uso umano (CHMP) dell’Agenzia Europea dei Medicinali (EMA) ha raccomandato l’approvazione…

Tumore prostata, grande variabilita’ nell’ incidenza indicativa di sovradiagnosi. Studio su BMJ

Un nuovo studio, pubblicato su The BMJ1 , suggerisce che una significativa sovradiagnosi del cancro alla prostata in Europa è dovuta ai modelli altamente variabili di test come per l’antigene…

AI model effective in detecting prostate cancer

A deep learning model performs at the level of an abdominal radiologist in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer on MRI, according to a study published today in Radiology,…

Artificial intelligence outperforms clinical tests at predicting progress of Alzheimer’s disease

Cambridge scientists have developed an artificially-intelligent tool capable of predicting in four cases out of five whether people with early signs of dementia will remain stable or develop Alzheimer’s disease.…

Tumore prostata, test della saliva piu’ attendibile del PSA #ASCO24

Image: DNA sequence. Credit: The Institute of Cancer Research, London ùUn test della saliva, in cui un campione può essere raccolto a casa, è più accurato nell’identificare il rischio futuro…