• Sab. Dic 21st, 2024


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  • In vitro model enables study of age-specific responses to COVID mRNA vaccines

In vitro model enables study of age-specific responses to COVID mRNA vaccines

mRNA vaccines saved lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, but older people had less of an immune response to the vaccines than did younger adults. Why? Boston Children’s researchers, led by…

Swedish research on antibiotic pollution becomes UN-declaration

In 2007, researchers at University of Gothenburg, Sweden published the first in a series of studies showing massive pollution with antibiotics from pharmaceutical factories in India. In connection with the…

Estrogens play a hidden role in cancers, inhibiting a key immune cell

Estrogens are known to drive tumor growth in breast cancer cells that carry its receptors, but a new study by Duke Cancer Institute researchers unexpectedly finds that estrogens play a…

Higher glucose levels worsen prognosis in ischemic stroke patients

Having higher than usual blood sugar levels at the time of hospital admission for an ischemic stroke significantly increases the risk of a poor functional prognosis or death within three…

Evening vs. morning dosing of blood pressure medication: no differences seen #ESCCongress #ESC24 #ESC2024

In two trials, one in frail elderly patients, evening administration of blood pressure (BP)-lowering medications had no clinical benefits over morning administration, according to late-breaking research presented in a Hot…

Blood test can help predict chronic lung disease in preterm babies

A blood test can help predict which preterm babies will go onto develop chronic lung disease, allowing for earlier diagnosis and more targeted treatments, according to a new study. The…

Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns

Many children announce their arrival in the delivery room with a piercing cry. As a newborn automatically takes its first breath, the lungs inflate, the blood vessels in the lungs…

Why aortic aneurysms form at the arch or in the abdominal segment

In order to find out what distinguishes the repeatedly affected vascular regions from others, Daniela Wenzel and her team from Bochum and Bonn, which is part of the Collaborative Research…

Heart failure patients who do yoga have stronger hearts and can be more active

Yoga focused on breathing, meditation, and relaxation is linked with symptom improvement in patients with heart failure, according to research presented today at Heart Failure 2024, a scientific congress of…

Mieloma multiplo, scoperta all’IRCCS Candiolo: perdita di un gene lo nasconde al sistema immunitario

La resistenza del mieloma multiplo alla chemioterapia dipende anche dalla “scomparsa” di uno specifico gene nelle cellule tumorali che diventano così “invisibili” al sistema immunitario. A scoprirlo è uno studio…