• Sab. Feb 22nd, 2025


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Hunger hormone, antibiotic-induced weight gain, and sleep and digestive health explored at Digestive Disease Week #DDW2024

Studies featuring endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures, including patient views on artificial intelligence in endoscopy and hazards to healthcare personnel of smoke-producing procedures, will be presented this week at Digestive Disease…


Anche i piĂą giovani sono spaventati dalle conseguenze che l’intelligenza artificiale potrebbe avere sulle loro prospettive occupazionali: uno studente delle superiori su 3 ha infatti paura che machine learning e…


La Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano ha ospitato la seconda edizione della conferenza internazionale “Artificial Intelligence for Oncology” sotto la presidenza di Arsela Prelaj, oncologa e ricercatrice…

Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns

Many children announce their arrival in the delivery room with a piercing cry. As a newborn automatically takes its first breath, the lungs inflate, the blood vessels in the lungs…

I costi del sistema sanitario raggiungono i 91,5 miliardi di franchi nel 2022 in Svizzera

Nel 2022 i costi del sistema sanitario sono aumentati del 2,5% rispetto all’anno precedente, il che rappresenta una progressione inferiore alla tendenza degli ultimi cinque anni (+3,2%). Sono questi i…

Tg Salutedomani Tv: AI and Parkinson’s disease, exercises after heart event, Covid and asthma in children

AI SPEEDS UP DRUG DESIGN FOR PARKINSON’S BY TEN-FOLD Researchers have used artificial intelligence techniques to massively accelerate the search for Parkinson’s disease treatments. The researchers, from the University of…

AI speeds up drug design for Parkinson’s by ten-fold

Researchers have used artificial intelligence techniques to massively accelerate the search for Parkinson’s disease treatments. The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, designed and used an AI-based strategy to identify…

Two plant extracts with potential as GLP-1 agonist weight loss pills are identified by AI-based analysis

Two plant compounds with potential as GLP-1 agonist weight loss pills have been identified in an AI (artificial intelligence)-based study, the European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2024) (Venice 12-15 May),…

Could AI play a role in locating damage to the brain after stroke? #Neurology #AANscience

Artificial intelligence (AI) may serve as a future tool for neurologists to help locate where in the brain a stroke occurred. In a new study, AI processed text from health…

Tg Salutedomani TV: 3 AI Health special news. Heart, Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, Stroke

Artificial Intelligence tool successfully predicts fatal heart rhythm In a Leicester study that looked at whether artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to predict whether a person was at risk…