• Dom. Set 8th, 2024


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  • Risk reduction from HPV vaccination goes beyond cervical cancer #ASCO24

Risk reduction from HPV vaccination goes beyond cervical cancer #ASCO24

Results from a new study suggest that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is effective in preventing the development of several types of cancers caused by HPV, most particularly head and…

Estrogen-Only Hormone Therapy may increase cancer risk while Estrogen-Progestin Combination may lower risk #ASCO24

For people who have been through menopause and have taken menopausal hormone therapy, conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) taken alone may increase the risk of developing and dying from ovarian cancer,…

Studies on risks of weight-loss drugs #DDW2024

Studies examining the risks of GLP-1 weight-loss drugs, distinguishing alpha-gal syndrome from other GI disorders, and comparing medications to slow the progression of liver disease in patients with alcohol-use disorder…

Hunger hormone, antibiotic-induced weight gain, and sleep and digestive health explored at Digestive Disease Week #DDW2024

Studies featuring endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures, including patient views on artificial intelligence in endoscopy and hazards to healthcare personnel of smoke-producing procedures, will be presented this week at Digestive Disease…