Feeding your good gut bacteria through fiber in diet may boost body against infections
The group of bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae, including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella, E.coli and others, is present at low levels as part of a healthy human gut microbiome. But at high levels…
Intelligent fight: AI enhances cervical cancer detection
A cutting-edge article is paving the way for a transformation in cervical cancer screening, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance detection accuracy and efficiency. This pioneering research explores the application…
Antartide: storica campagna di perforazione raggiunge ghiaccio di 1,2 milioni di anni fa
Nel campo remoto di Little Dome C, in Antartide, un team di ricerca composto da dodici istituzioni scientifiche di dieci Paesi europei ha raggiunto un risultato storico per le scienze…
Ictus: il recettore GPR17 potenziale bersaglio terapeutico
Una ricerca, condotta da un gruppo internazionale di scienziati coordinati da Marta Fumagalli dell’UniversitĂ Statale di Milano e Kate Lykke Lambertsen dell’UniversitĂ della Danimarca Meridionale (SDU) e pubblicata su The…
Researchers use biophysics to design new vaccines against RSV, HMPV and related respiratory viruses
In most people, the lung-infecting pathogens known as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (hMPV) trigger mild cold-like symptoms. But in infants and seniors, these viruses can cause severe…
Can the heart heal itself? New study says it can
A research team co-led by a physician-scientist at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson’s Sarver Heart Center found that a subset of artificial heart patients can regenerate…
Poor vascular health accelerates brain ageing
Using an AI tool, researchers at Karolinska Institutet have analysed brain images from 70-year-olds and estimated their brains’ biological age. They found that factors detrimental to vascular health, such as…
Live Christmas trees affect indoor air chemistry, NIST researchers find
Every holiday season, Americans buy nearly 30 million live Christmas trees. Many families enjoy not only having a live tree inside their homes but also smelling the fresh fragrance it…
Ricerca: La corteccia dell’ abete per proteggere la salute
Uno studio coordinato dall’Istituto per la bioeconomia del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Cnr-Ibe) e dall’Istituto Luke di Helsinki (Finlandia), ha rivelato le elevate proprietĂ antiossidanti, antibatteriche e antivirali dell’estratto di…
Nel 2024, in Italia, sono stimate 390.100 nuove diagnosi di tumore: 214.500 negli uomini e 175.600 nelle donne. Si tratta di numeri sostanzialmente stabili rispetto al biennio precedente (erano 391.700…