Trattamento dei tumori con immunoterapie che sfruttano le cellule CAR-T. Decolla ufficialmente il ‘Lombardy-Philadelphia Fellowship Program’, programma di scambio tra i ricercatori degli Irccs lombardi e quelli dell’Università della Pennsylvania…
COVID. A new treatment and vaccine for flu and various coronaviruses
A team of researchers, led by the University of Houston, has discovered two new ways of preventing and treating respiratory viruses. In back-to-back papers in Nature Communications, the team –…
“Ipossia felice” nei pazienti COVID. Studio su Biological Cybernetics
Mentre molti casi gravi di COVID-19 sono caratterizzati da difficoltà respiratorie e livelli pericolosamente bassi di ossigeno nel sangue, una condizione nota come ipossia, il verificarsi di una “ipossia silenziosa…
Improving cat food flavors with the help of feline taste-testers
Cats are notoriously picky eaters. But what if we could design their foods around flavors that they’re scientifically proven to enjoy? Researchers publishing in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food…
Il dr. Andrea Antinori, direttore del Dipartimento Clinico dell’Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive “Lazzaro Spallanzani” Irccs di Roma e responsabile clinico del programma vaccinale anti-Mpox della Regione Lazio, è…
In pericolo la Grande Barriera Corallina. Danni catastrofici per nuovo record di temperatura in 400 anni . Studio su Nature
La Grande Barriera Corallina in Australia è sottoposta a una pressione critica: l’aumento delle temperature del mare e gli eventi di sbiancamento di massa dei coralli minacciano di distruggere la…
New study highlights scale and impact of long COVID. The Lancet
In a new review paper, researchers from the Universities of Arizona, Oxford and Leeds analyzed dozens of previous studies into long COVID to examine the number and range of people…
AI model effective in detecting prostate cancer
A deep learning model performs at the level of an abdominal radiologist in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer on MRI, according to a study published today in Radiology,…
Uncovering the links between sleep struggles, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts in teens with depression
Rebecca Robbins, PhD, of the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, is the senior author of a paper published in Psychiatry Research, “Exploring sleep difficulties,…
Study finds White Western women have lower body appreciation and greater media pressure to look thin
White Western women have lower body appreciation and experience greater pressure from the media to be thin compared to Black Nigerian and Chinese women across all ages, according to new…