• Dom. Set 8th, 2024

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Implantable batteries can run on the body’s own oxygen

Photo credit: Chem/Lv et al. From pacemakers to neurostimulators, implantable medical devices rely on batteries to keep the heart on beat and dampen pain. But batteries eventually run low and…

Couples with similar drinking habits may live longer

The couple that drinks together might live longer together, too, says a University of Michigan researcher. In a recent study published in The Gerontologist, Kira Birditt, research professor at the…

Two plant extracts with potential as GLP-1 agonist weight loss pills are identified by AI-based analysis

Two plant compounds with potential as GLP-1 agonist weight loss pills have been identified in an AI (artificial intelligence)-based study, the European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2024) (Venice 12-15 May),…

Could AI play a role in locating damage to the brain after stroke? #Neurology #AANscience

Artificial intelligence (AI) may serve as a future tool for neurologists to help locate where in the brain a stroke occurred. In a new study, AI processed text from health…

Tg Salutedomani TV: 3 AI Health special news. Heart, Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, Stroke

Artificial Intelligence tool successfully predicts fatal heart rhythm In a Leicester study that looked at whether artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to predict whether a person was at risk…

Artificial Intelligence tool successfully predicts fatal heart rhythm

In a Leicester study that looked at whether artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to predict whether a person was at risk of a lethal heart rhythm, an AI tool…

For younger women, mental health now may predict heart health later #AAC24

Younger women are generally thought to have a low risk of heart disease, but new research urges clinicians to revisit that assumption, especially for women who suffer from certain mental…

AI predicts the taste and quality of beer

Belgian scientists have developed AI models that can predict how a particular beer will be rated by consumers, and what aroma compounds brewers can add to improve it. The research…

ChatGPT can produce medical record notes ten times faster than doctors

The AI model ChatGPT can write administrative medical notes up to ten times faster than doctors without compromising quality. This is according to a new study conducted by researchers at…

Dramatic declines in global fertility rates. The Lancet

The world is approaching a low-fertility future. Although by 2100 more than 97% of countries and territories will have fertility rates below what is necessary to sustain population size over…